Canterbury Local Organising Team

Soapbox Science Canterbury

Zoe and Tracy have both been involved in Soapbox Science events in the past and love the organisation. All four of us are enthusiastic about promoting the research of women scientists to the public and, particularly, young girls. Although a lot of fascinating research is being conducted across Kent, within universities, research institutes and businesses, there has never been a Soapbox Science event in the region.


The Team

Dr Gail Austen

Dr Ameline Bardo

Professor Zoe Davies

Professor Tracy Kivell



Gail and Zoe are Biodiversity Conservationists who share a passion for nature. Gail is a Postdoctoral Researcher examining the wellbeing benefits people gain from interacting with biodiversity, while Zoe works on a variety of topics related to improving conservation management and policy. Ameline and Tracy are both Biological Anthropologists interested in the evolution of our hands. Ameline is Fyssen Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow that studies the manipulative behaviours during tool use in captive apes and how this links to differences in their anatomy, while Tracy is a palaeoanthropologist that studies fossil human hand bones to reconstruct how the human hand evolved.



We are delighted that the University of Kent’s ‘Public Engagement with Research Fund’ has provided the financial support for this event, and the School of Anthropology and Conservation have strongly encouraged us to organise the initiative.







Past events

Find out about past events and speakers in Canterbury: