Soapbox Art & Science 2018 Perth

Soapbox Science is coming to Perth for the very first time, but will have a new and exciting element! Who is a scientist and who is an artist? Can the work someone in a lab coat is doing relate to a painting, or a dancer, or be understood through music? The new project aims to bring science to arts fans and art to scientists. By challenging artists and scientists to work together, Soapbox Art & Science will bring difficult science concepts to the public in exciting, innovative and engaging ways.

Some of the UK’s leading women in science will take to their soapboxes to showcase their science to the general public, alongside some amazing artists.

The new Soapbox Art & Science 2018 event will capitalize on Soapbox Science’s current strengths to widen the audiences exposed to science carried out by women and will facilitate communication and collaboration between the arts and science communities.

Soapbox Art & Science Lincoln will be part of Perth Festival of the Arts.

Details of the location and timing of the event

Date: Saturday 19th May 2018

Address: The Plaza, by Perth Concert Hall

Time: 11am-2pm


We couldn’t run this Perth event without the generous logistical and financial support of our sponsors. Since 2014, our overall whole initiative is supported by the Science and Technology Facilities Council. We are very grateful for their financial support of the new Soapbox Art & Science project.


Meet our speakers!

Dr Kirsty Robb, University of Strathclyde, “Protecting our weapons of mass destruction”

Audrey Yeo, Edinburgh College of Art & Dr Jasmeen Kanwal, University of St AndrewsThe evolution of cooperation in digital organisms”

Karen Westland, University of Dundee, “Be Ready For Change!”

Dr Anna Campbell MBE, CanRehab / Edinburgh Napier University, “Life after a Cancer Diagnosis – The Evidence Shows that Movement Matters!”

Dr Amy Rogers, University of Dundee, “Why doctors don’t always know which drug is best (and what we can do to change this)”

Micol Zuppello, University of Dundee, “A journey through our growing skeletons: Looking at hands and knee bones using x-rays and magnetic resonance images (MRI)”

Ana Payo Payo, Aberdeen UniversityWhat does a migrant look like?”