On the 28th of May 2016, 2-5pm, London’s Southbank will again be transformed into a hub of scientific learning and discussion, as some of the UK’s leading female scientists take to their soapboxes to showcase science to the general public.
The event’s mission remains the same: to help eliminate gender inequality in science by raising the profile, and challenging the public’s view, of women and science. If you’d like to see what Soapbox Science looks like in action, have a look at the Soapbox Science 2015 video
We couldn’t run this London event without the generous logistical and financial support of our sponsors. Our London events have been supported from the start by the L’Oreal UNESCO For Women In Science Scheme and the Zoological Society of London. Since 2014, our overall whole initiative is moreover supported by the Science and Technology Facilities Council.
Dr Kayleigh Wardell is then sponsored by the Genetics Society. The Genetics Society was founded by William Bateson in 1919 and is one of the oldest “learned societies” devoted to Genetics in the world. Its membership of over 1700 consists of most of the UK’s active professional geneticists, including teachers, researchers and students.
Details of the location and timing of the event
Date: Saturday 28th May 2016
Address: Queen’s Stone, Riverside walkway (by Gabriel’s Wharf)
South Bank, London, SE1 9PP
Time: 2pm – 5pm
2016 saw strong competition to appear at this London’s event. The winners and their discussion topics included:
Miss Evelina Arushanova (@e_arushanova), Queen Mary University of London “Neutrino: what secrets is this ghostly particle hiding from us?”
Miss Katie Hassell (@khassellspace), Airbus Defence & Space “Keeping space cool (but not too cold)”
Dr Samantha Terry (@syaterry), King’s College London “Is all radiation damage bad?”
Miss Clare Duncan (@whereisklara), Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London “Mangroves: the roots of the sea and shield of the land”
Dr Lindsay Todman (@LindsayTodman ), Rothamsted Research “Creative maths – a tool for managing our fields”
Miss Katy Clough, King’s College London“Why blackboards sometimes aren’t enough – using supercomputers to simulate the Universe”
Dr Kayleigh Wardell (@kaywardell22), University of Sussex “Why do we all look different? It is all about sex (cells)!”
Miss Jessie Durk, Queen Mary University of London “Structure in the Universe – does it matter? ”
Dr Monique Welten, University of Bristol “Evolution of tooth and jaw: cutting edge technologies to study teeth and jaws in fossils”
Miss Chantal Nobs, University of Brighton “Nuclear physics: Exploring the centre of the atom and harnessing its potential”
Miss Sally Shaw (@agirliknow), University College London “Seeing in the Dark: the underground hunt for dark matter“