Soapbox Science 2019 Boulder

The first annual Colorado Soapbox Science event will take place on April 7th 2019 during the Tulip Fairy & Elf festival on Pearl Street Mall in Boulder, Colorado, USA. The festival is attended by hundreds of girls and with a goal of encouraging more girls and women in STEM this is the perfect venue for our event. The event will be held from 1 PM – 4 PM and will feature speakers from throughout the United States. Talks will range from renewable energy, astronomy, genetics and more! The Downtown Boulder Partnership has graciously waived the event fee giving Soapbox Science a premium placement during the festival.


Details of the location and timing of the event

Date:  April 7th 2019

Location: Pearl Street Mall

Time: 1pm- 4pm



Selected from a competitive pool of researchers, our speakers will be sharing their work in technology, science, mathematics, medicine and engineering. The speakers and their discussion topics are:

Lisa Lanza (@lisamll17), Drexel University, “Prefrontal Cortex Response During Preferred Food Consumption and to Visual Food Cue Viewing in Post-partum Women as Measured by fNIRS”

Dr Radhika Giri Rao, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, “Making chemicals through environmentally friendly routes!”

Julia Potocnjak, University of Colorado- Boulder, “Gummy Bears don’t wear Genes! How Genetics Works”

Marielle Pellegrino, University of Colorado- Boulder, “The solution to space junk is the Sun’s light and chaos”

Dr Sarah Ware, (@SarahBWare), BioBlaze Community Bio Lab, “Dirsuptive Biology: The Biohacking Movement”

Dr Noemi Leik (@PedalingMinds), National Renewable Energy Laboratory, “Electrolysis: A Transformation”

Mimi Hayes, Mimi and the brain,“Traumedy: The Art of Making Brain Injury Funny”

Silvana Ayala Pelaez, (@shirubana), National Renewable Energy LaboratoryPowering the World ~ the Clean Way”

Dr Sarah White, Northwestern University, “How We Learn – Patterns, Patterns, and more Patterns!”


Discover our 2019 speakers:

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