Soapbox Science 2020 Lisbon

Soapbox Science comes on September 19th from 3-6 pm (GMT+1) for the first time to Portugal. This year due to the COVID-19 pandemic the event will be online and you will be able to see it all with your family and friends, in the comfort of your home! We’ll have three 1 hour sessions, with three speakers per session, each in their own Soapbox Arena, where you can listen, interact with and ask questions to the scientist. 

Details of the location and timing of the event

Dates & Times: September 19th at 15:00 – 18:00, (GMT+1)

Location: Online; Interactive via Zoom Webinar and Live Stream via Youtube Channel

Free Registration for interactive Webinar here 

Youtube stream for passive Webinar here

Follow us on twitter, instagram, facebook and LinkedIn


Selected from a competitive pool of researchers, our 10 speakers will be sharing their work in technology, science, medicine and engineering. The speakers and their discussion topics are:

Amaranta Kahn, CIIMAR (Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research) – University of Porto, “Under the sea” [EN] LinkedIn, Twitter, Google Scholar, ResearchGate

Sara Silva Pereira, Instituto de Medicina Molecular João Lobo Antunes – Lisboa, “O perigo de parasitas pegajosos”  [PT] LinkedIn, Twitter, ResearchGate

Mariana Ferreira, Instituto de Medicina Molecular João Lobo Antunes, “Espreitar as células interceptando as suas mensagens” [PT] LinkedIn, Twitter

Edite Figueiras, Champalimaud Foundation,“Um olhar ampliado pelo microscópio – O que é? Para que serve? De que é feito?”  [PT] LinkedIn, Twitter, Google Scholar, ResearchGate

Marta C Lopes, European University Institute, Econ(ã)omia  [PT] LinkedIn, Twitter, Google Scholar, ResearchGate

Belisa de Aquino, Institute of Physics at Polish Academy of Sciences, “Estruturada, eu? – Quando proteínas e física se encontram.”  [PT] LinkedIn

Joana Neto, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia – Universidade Nova de Lisboa,Body hacker”  [PT] LinkedIn, Google Scholar, ResearchGate

Adriana Sánchez-Danés, Champalimaud Foundation, “Why is talking about stem cells so common nowadays? What is their role?“[EN] LinkedIn

Amparo Ruiz-Tagle, University of Lisbon,Reading the mind, a superpower?” [EN] LinkedIn, Google Scholar, ResearchGate

Ines Mendes, Instituto de Medicina Molecular João Lobo Antunes, “Virus de computador” [PT] LinkedIn, Twitter, Google Scholar, ResearchGate

Soapbox Science Lisbon Team

Simone Lackner, Nova School of Business and Economics

LinkedIn, Twitter, Google Scholar, ResearchGate

Oihane Horno, Champalimaud Foundation

Catarina Gomes, Institute for Experimental Biology and Technology


Read more about the team, our amazing speakers and their research as well as experiences of being a women in STEM on our blog 


We couldn’t run this event without the generous logistical and financial support of our collaborators

The broadcasting of our event will be brought to you supported by   

Many thanks to A.Marta Ferreira for the Poster design and visuals