Soapbox Science 2019 Munich

Soapbox Science Munich returns to Odeonsplatz! 12 amazing female scientists will  present their remarkable research this summer. Come meet the speakers and learn first handedly about a wide range of topics from archeology to climate change to artificial intelligence and neurobiology.

Meet the Soapbox Science Munich local organising team



We couldn’t run this event without the generous logistical and financial support of our sponsors.












Details of the location and timing of the event

:  1 June, 2019

Location: Odeonsplatz, Munich

Time: 14:00 – 17:00



Selected from a competitive pool of researchers, our 12 speakers will be sharing their work in technology, science, medicine and engineering. The speakers and their discussion topics are:

Dr. Anna Cabré (@AnnaCabreAlbos), University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Institute of Marine Sciences Barcelona, Climate change: Where does all the heat go?“ 

Prof. Dr. Julia Budka (@jubudka), LMU Munich, Forget Indiana Jones! Why being an archaeologist is nevertheless a dream job; Vergesst Indiana Jones! Warum Archäologin dennoch ein Traumberuf ist“

Prof. Dr. Annette Bussmann-Holder, Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research, Why are superconductors super?“ 

Dr. Leonie Baier (@ninivechen), LMU Munich, “Sehen mit den Ohren? Wie ich den sechsten Sinn der Fledermäuse erforsche / Can sound paint a picture? How I explore the sixth sense of bats“ 

Dr. Estefania Munoz Diaz, miniVERSUM Akademie / German Aerospace Center (DLR), The future will be digital. Do you understand robots?“ 

Alexandra Klein (@aexolowski), Max Planck Insitute of Neurobiology, An Anxious Island in the Brain – Die Ängstliche Insel des Gehirns“ 

Dr. Mariana Alarcón-Correa, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Autonomos nanorobots. Science fiction or real life?“ 

Dr. Bhawana Thakur (@thakurbhawana19), Technical University of Munich, Catch Me If You Can: Pathogen Detection in Drinking Water“ 

Dr. Emilia Jarochowska (@Emiliagnathus), GeoZentrum Nordbayern, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, How teeth transformed the Earth 

Miss Veronica Bessone, M.En., Technical University of Munich, The Science behind an Olympic Gold“ 

Dr. Sophia Doll, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Wofür sind gebrochene Herzen gut?“

Muthio Nzau, Technical University of Munich, “Participatory forest management: the case of East African coastal forest biodiversity hotspot“


Discover our 2019 speakers:

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