Soapbox Science 2021 Winnipeg

This year Soapbox Science Winnipeg is running again an online event! Log on to Soapbox Science’s YouTube to watch some of Winnipeg’s leading scientists showcase their science to the general public on August 14th, 2021

August 14th , 2021, time: 11:00 AM CST

This event is free. If you’d like to see what Soapbox Science looks like in action, you can have a look at our Soapbox Science Winnipeg 2020 session 1 and session 2 video.

Meet the Winnipeg organising team


We could not run this event without the generous logistical and financial support of our sponsors

Speaker details

Selected from a competitive pool of researchers, our speakers will be sharing their work in technology, science, medicine and engineering. The speakers and their discussion topics are:

Saturday August 14th, 2021

Apurva Bhardwaj (@apurvabhardwa18), Market and Business Analyst, Intrinsic Analytics,  The Sail : As a QE Scholar with the ever so promiscuous protein!”

Shreya H. Dhume (@Shreya_dhume), University Of Manitoba, “Lock and Key of Neural circuits: A pathway to understand Autism!!”

Dr. Silvia Leon-Mantilla (@silviajulianalm), MD, MSc., Chronic Disease Innovation Centre, Are you “Kidney” me? Kidneys and Chronic Kidney Disease

Dr. Rumana Islam, PhD, Postdoctoral researcher (2016), Director for CABD (Canadian association for Bangladeshi Development) a nonprofit organization, “Waste-to-value: a sustainable route to bioproducts”

Dr. Irene Fakankun (@DrFakks), University of Manitoba, “Oleaginous yeasts, a viable alternative for biodiesel production”

Maryam Bafandkar, Masters student (Computer Science), University of Winnipeg, “Artificial Intelligince in Agriculture”

Dr. Kelsey Bryk (@shesabrykhouse), Ph.D, Postdoctoral fellow, University of Manitoba, “Concussions: What about the adults??”

Anifat  Olawoyin, Data Mining Lab, University of Manitoba, “Privacy preserving Patient data publishing”