Soapbox Science Toronto
We are delighted to apply our passion for science outreach to Soapbox Science. As a group, we share a fundamental belief that diversifying science contributes to better science, better decision-making and better opportunities for everyone. By giving our fabulous Soapbox Scientists a platform to share their knowledge with the public, we are building a more accessible and inclusive science community.
Soapbox Science Toronto was the first event in North America and we’re thrilled to see events spread across Canada. Each year we bring science out of the lab with the help of Word on the Street – a local literary festival held at the Harbourfront in downtown Toronto. Our events have featured some of the top scientists engaged in science outreach and diversity initiatives in Canada.
Watch the video from our 2019 event:
Meet The Team
- Samantha Yammine, Founder of Science Sam Media, 2017 Soapbox Scientist
- Leigh Paulseth, Science Outreach & Enrichment Coordinator, Ryerson University
- Emily Agard, Director of SciXchange, Ryerson University
- Kirthega Jeevanathan, Representative from the Association of Undergraduate Women in Science, Ryerson University
Soapbox Science Toronto is being sponsored by the Faculty of Science, Ryerson University.
Past events
Find out about past events and speakers in Toronto: