Ms Amarachukwu Vivian Arazu, University of Nigeria, is taking part in Soapbox Science Lagos on 23rd November with the talk: “Bioplastics and the environment!”
I am a PhD student and a lecturer at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. I obtained a Masters degree in Industrial Biochemistry from the same university with a distinction and CGPA of 4.89/5.00. My MSc research project investigated starch modification processes while my current PhD project is focused on harnessing bioplastic production on a low-cost scale.
Soapbox Science: how did you get to your current position?
I got to my current position through hard work, determination, focus and God’s grace.
SS: What, or who, inspired you to get a career in science?
My inspiration towards pursuing a career in science was simply based on my curiosity especially about science and technology-related issues.
SS: What is the most fascinating aspect of your research/work?
Assessing the nature of bioplastics from single and di-culture strains of some microbial species in the production of bioplastics while considering the cost of production.
SS: What attracted you to Soapbox Science in the first place?
My attraction was simply the anticipation and excitement from the audience.
SS: Sum up in one word your expectations for the day
I hope to awe the audience in simple ways. I am optimistic the presentation will be an exciting one.
SS: If you could change one thing about the scientific culture in Nigeria right now, what would it be?
I would start by introducing adequate functional science laboratories in every secondary school in the country.
SS: What would be your top recommendation to a woman studying for a PhD and considering pursuing a career in academia?
Dear Woman in Science, the world is gradually becoming tolerant to women leading in different aspects. It is a great height that you are about to attain so maintain your focus and allow curiosity. Also, entertain errors as it is common in scientific research. You will be great.