Dr. Sophia Doll, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, is taking part in Soapbox Science Munich on 1st June 2019 with the talk: “Wofür sind gebrochene Herzen gut?“
Soapbox Science Munich: Did you choose a scientific career or did the scientific career choose you?
Sophia Doll: I chose the scientific career
SSM: What was the key event that brought you to the place where you are now?
SD: My Masterthesis at the biotech company Genentech in San Francisco found out that science can be fun!
SSM: What’s your favourite daily scientific superhero power?
SD: My favorite daily superhero power is the freedom of trying out crazy ideas
SSM: What is the most exciting aspect of your research?
SD: Most exciting aspect of my work is that I am working with actual cancer patients and that lab research can be translated into the clinic.
SSM: If you are stranded on a desert island: what scientific equipment would you bring?
SD: Probably none and enjoying sun and beach 🙂
SSM: What challenges do you encounter in science?
SD: Many challenges. Science is highly competitive. Science can be disappointing despite investing a lot of work but this is what makes you stronger and motivates you to tackle challenging problems.
SSM: What motivates you to give a talk in Soapbox science?
SD: Winning the Max Planck Science Slam.
SSM: Do you have a few words to inspire other female scientists?
SD: Have fun and don’t be shy!
SSM: What can we do to attract more women to STEM fields?
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